Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's raining, no pouring!

Hello Family!!!!

Oh goodness, it has been raining so much around here. Yesterday was a
surprise attack. When we left the house it was promising a warm, maybe even
hot sunny day. But as Sis. Lakip and I started tracting, these huge, black,
omninous clouds started rolling in. Well, to be optimistic I thought, "No,
it won't rain." Well, maybe it was more of denial because I hadn't brought
an umbrella. But as we continued walking down the street it started to mist,
then sprinkle, then rain, and then practically a downpour. We were soaking
within a few minutes. Luckily Sis. Lakip had brought her umbrella which she
shared. So her left side was drenched and my right side. And our feet were
squishing in our shoes as we walked through small rivers of water coming
down the sidewalk. It was quite fun, especially because it wasn't cold.

We had a great experience this last week. We have been working with a
less-active family who has started to come to church recently. The Torres
family, but more especially with their daughter Jackie Frioli. She is 15 and
not baptized. My first week here we had a great conversation with her and
after meeting a few time committed her to baptism. Which she accepted, but
was a little bit nervous about it. She went to Youth Conference (in
Kirtland, Ohio) and had a great experience their. She was telling us about
how she cried as she watched the restoration video and during testimony
meeting. The youth did a great job helping her and fellowshipping her. It's
a big change for her and many of her current friends don't believe that she
can do it. So I was so happy to hear that during testimony meeting, one of
the youth in our ward bore his testimony about her difficult it is because
others don't understand what they have with the church and how much of a
blessing it really is. But that they keep being an example because they know
how important it is. She's set to be baptized on June 14th. It will be my
first one (not that that's really important, but it makes me happy).

I've really been working this week on teaching in Spanish, but more
especially teaching quick, powerful lessons. I like to explain things a lot,
but then the lessons become longer than needful. The spirit testifies to
short, powerful testimonies. So, the goal of the mission and my goal is to
do a teaching appointment in 20 minutes total. This is a lot harder than I
thought it would be because that gives 5 minutes to start, prayer, song, etc
and then only 10-15 mintues of teaching. It's doable, but not what I am
used to. My companion is really good at it, so she has been helping me out.

I had my first street meeting the other day. It was actually really fun. We
were handing out free VHS videos to whoever wanted one on the street. Then
teaching them right there on the spot. It was really good for me to do
because it helped me realize that you go and talk to everyone. I was really
excited when I talked to these ladies from Peru. They had relatives in Peru
that were members, so I talked to them about the restoration and how it
blesses our families. Then got their information to teach them more. Sharing
the gospel is great!

I have a cold today. No fun, but luckily it is preparation day. I day to do
a bit more relaxing to rest of for the rest of the week. Hopefully it will
be mostly gone by tomorrow.

Love you lots. Hope all is well. Let me know the current news. Love you.


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