Saturday, August 30, 2008

Still here in CT

Oh Family,

Let's see what I can remember from this week. One week just seems
to blur in the other and time is getting faster. I'm finding it
true that your mission just seems to go by faster and faster. It's
almost September and school has started again! I remember when
school got out. The weather has cooled off a bit, but it's not
cold. Today it actually reminded me of San Diego when you have the
cool breeze coming in from the Ocean. Unfortunately it smelled
like car exhaust instead of the ocean. Well, I guess you can't get
it all in Stamford, CT.

We are still working for some solid people to teach. We have a
couple of potentials that we have set appointments with that we
are praying will go through. And we have one solid lady, Mirian,
but at this point doesn't want a baptismal date. I have
confidence, though, that that will come soon enough. She comes to
church (even without her husband), is praying, and starting
reading the Book of Mormon from the cover! We will be teaching her
some of the commandments. It will just take some time. We have a
couple other people this week too. Just hoping that all goes

I'm still learning how to recognize that spirit. Sometimes it just
comes as a thought, a light bulb. I becoming more and more
convinced that whenever we have those lightbulb ideas it is
because the spirit brought it to mind. For example, Sis. Pena and
I were walking down N. Water street to look up a referral when we
passed a house. The thought crossed my mind, I should knock on
that door... so we did. But nobody answered. "So much for
inspiration," I thought. Then, the next day we planned to look up
a former investigator and as we drove up to the address it turned
out to be the one I had knocked on the day before. Coincidence...
I don't think so. Today we knocked and talked to this lady who is
a friend of the former investigators and have a return appointment
with her. We are excited for it!

My spanish seems to be coming along. At times I don't feel like
it's any better than when I started, but then I think... "well, I
can now talk on the phone and know what they are saying, if not
always in the appointment." It's been really good. Not what I
expected it to be like, but really good.

Where is Daniel living. There are a lot of youth that are headed
out to BYU-Idaho. Maybe they will be living at the same place. Let
me know.

Love you lots and I pray for you. Sometimes it seems unreal
because I'm so far away from it all, but it's very exciting at the
same time. So much will be different when I come home, and I'm
sure there are still going to be a lot of changes from this point
on still. I still have awhile left.

Thanks for all your support.



Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Es bueno la obra

Hey Family,

The work is good. It's been a change and I find that amid all the learning and trials that I am learning myself. There are the difficult days, but you have to keep looking up and forward and having the faith that it will get better. Sometimes I start getting discouraged because of spanish, but as Hermana Lakip said, "Siga adelante." Just keep doing my part.

We are still teaching Maria and Jairo. We were so close to stopping our appointments with them because despite their desire, they have not come to church and it's been about 2 months. I think I keep holding on to them because they need to gospel so much. Well, everyone needs the gospel, but I'm afraid their family will fall apart wihout it. I think we've made a breakthrough with them and hopefully this week they will go to the addiction recovery program and church. Otherwise, I'll just have to leave and believe that sometime in the future they will be baptized.

Still I think we talked about both of their concerns. We showed the Restoration to them and Maria told us how she had always had that question too. So we testified that she could know of the truth through prayer by asking specifically and she committed to do that. Jairo just need to know what faith was and how to develop it. So we shared Alma 32 with him. He told us that it made so much more sense what faith was and that he never really understood it before. He was so nice, he even said how he learns so much from us. Well, I would guess that it's the spirit, but I'm so grateful that I grew up in the gospel, learning all these truths since I was young. Thank you Mom and Dad.

We are also teaching Sophia who is from Sudan. It's been an interesting experience because she has no Christian background. I can't remember if I talked about her in the last email, but she learned about Christianity when she was 10 years old and has wanted to be baptized ever since. We gave her a baptismal date for October and we are working towards then. She wanted it earlier, but there is a language barrier as well. So we try to teach as simply as we can. You have to teach really different to those who have no background with Christ.

I'm learning the importance more of more of doing our part by expressing our faith. Believing that good things will happen and then working to have it done. Faith isn't passive, it's working hard even though you probably don't have any idea how the work will come about. How the goals you set will be filled and where you will find that person. It comes from talking to everyone so that you find yourself in the right place and the right time. I am praying to find a family to teach that can be baptized in September. I know there out there. There are hundreds and families, but it's just a matter of finding them and then teaching them by the spirit.

I'm enjoying myself here in Connecticut. I'm learning to love the people and the place. I will miss it when I'm gone. There are some days I look around and think, "Wow, this has gone by so fast. It needs to slow down a little." It's been good. Hard, but good.

I'm glad things are going well in Utah. Thanks for the letters and update and I hope that I'm detailed enough when I write to you about things that are happening. My suggestions for you is to get to know the missionaries, let them know that you are willing to help, and then when they ask to for help, be willing to do so. It's what I wish I had done before my mission, but will certainly do afterwards. I guess it might be a little different in Utah, but develop that working relationship with them. It will move the work faster and farther than it has before.

Ok, off my soapbox. Good luck with school and have fun. Daniel, you are going to love BYU-Idaho. There is so much always going on campus and off. It can be stressful, but it's great. Rachelle and Ammon, I'd love to hear more about school. Sounds like it could be really cool.

Love you Mom, Dad and rest of family. You are amazing and don't lose sight of always sharing the gospel. It brings joy into your life and into the lives of others.

Erin (aka Sis. Price)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Another week in paradise

Hey Dad, Mom, and Family!

This week has been great. I loved my last companion, but as you know there were the struggles. Hna Pena and I are still learning how to teach together, but it has been good. Tonight we have a great lesson planned for Maria and Jairo about studying the scriptures and praying! I am excited. We had them read 3 Nephi 11 in preparation and we will be following up by seeing what they learned and watching part of the Testaments with them. It's some of the techniques shared in Preach My Gospel. That's such a great book, you really should study from it to!

I was worried about them for awhile because they seemed to stop having interest, they weren't really reading or coming to church or making any sort of effort. But I couldn't drop them yet. Their family would have fallen apart. So we stopped by one night and talked to them. It ended up in an argument and accusations between the two of them. Hna Pena said some inspired thoughts to them (which I can't remember) and before we left I had them each say a pray and in the pray they had to pray for the other companion. I really believe that that was an inspired because the next time we came by they were telling us about what a differenct it had made. How they hadn't fought and that they felt the spirit more in their home. I love the spirit!

As a mission we are focusing on getting 80 baptisms in September. I'm excited for this as well. There has been a lot of focus on spiritually preparing ourselves, so that we can have the spirit to teach others. I'm still learning how to organize all these good trainings and thoughts so that I remember them. I think I've changed my study journal technique nearly 4 times since starting my mission. I'm getting closer to what works for me each time.

Anyway, stories for this week. I ran into a spider web and almost ran into another one. I think that's my fourth time since starting my mission.

We also had a muslim lady come to church. Her name is Sophia and she is really sweet and even told us she wants to be baptized. Unfortunately, we don't know if we can teach her yet. Her family is Muslim, which means we need special permission to teach her. She was telling us about how she had learned about Christ in Sudan and had wanted to know more, but was to scared because her family could kill her for it. She lives with her sister here and she can't let them know that she is going to church. It's so sad that those who have that desire to learn and come unto Christ can't because of the religious/social situations around them. It makes it even more frustrating when those who have the ability to learn don't because of apathy. This is so important! We don't know what will happen, but hope that some way will open that we can teach her without putting her in danger.

I wish I could have been at the wedding, but such is part of life. I haven't seen any pictures of it yet, but maybe Marisa just hasn't caught the time to be able to send them. I'd love to see how the reception went. I'm sure it was lovely. Do you have the address for Jarom and Taylor? I'd love to have it.

I'm 5' 2". I always knew I'd be the shortest in the family. I saw a picture of Rachelle in one you sent of McKeltie. She looked so pretty! You know, not many people can pull such beauty with a mask over their face. She's got talent.

And I remember when I was the oldest at home. It was a little strange at first. I really believed that I learned (even though I didn't really know it) qualities during that time that prepared me for the future. I'll be quite honest, one of my favorite memories was family dishes as we each took our spots (drying, washing, rinsing, etc) and sang and danced to music. We had our arguments then too, but I also loved the bonding. It was great.

I'm excited for this week. I'm rededicationg myself to writing down events so that I'll have more specific stories to tell you. It's been fun and thanks for your letters and support. It always comes at the time I need to most.

I love you lots and glad you've found paradise in Utah. It must be an exciting change.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hola familia

Hello Family,

Well, I'm glad that the invitation was sent at least. I was feeling a little behind. I knew Jarom was getting married this weekend, but I also knew I hadn't received an invitation. I bet it will be fun! I look forward to hearing what happened and seeing some pictures.

I did receive a new companion who is.... Hna Pena. She was my companion in the mtc. She's been down in the Bronx since we came out and is now in her second area, Greenwich, CT. We joked about being companions on the mission, but I never thought that it would happen. It's a definite change for her. Crazy life.

This past week has been pretty good. We had what I called a blessing day. We went tracting and people were nice (and in an English area too!). We even taught a first lesson. And then we went to see some less-actives and they were all home and happy, and well, the day just went well. Which was what we needed because the day before was an adventure.

So, here's what happened. President Searle gave me some Preach My Gospel DVD's so I could practice listening to spanish some more, but we don't have any tv's in our apartment, so we had to use the tv at the church. Our zone leaders came and unlocked the door for us. They did some work there, but eventually had to leave. It was then that we remembered that we had forgotten to ask them something and so chased after them leaving behind all our things in the building. We talked to them for a bit and they drove off. It was then that we realized.... we were locked out of the building! We had no keys, no phone, no umbrellas (oh did I mention that it was pouring rain the day). All I had was my planner and a dvd remote control.

We did the only thing we could, started walking. We were laughing so hard just because of how embarrassed we were. We eventually stopped at a house and asked to use their phone to call the Zone Leaders again. She was a nice-old lady who even drove us back to the church, where we waited in shame for the Elders to arrive to unlock the door. How embarrasing! They drove up laughing at us. Well, at least they weren't angry. It took a couple of days for the embarrassment to wear off and for it to become just another fun mission story.

We had some investigators come to church the other day. Mirian and Manuel. They have accepted a baptismal date for 18 August. We are so excited for them! I have to call and set up another appointment for this week.

Sadly, we have also stopped teaching, for now Maria and Jairo. They haven't been coming to church and are having lots of problems. It's so sad to see them so, especially when I know that the gospel is what will help them. But they are so preoccupied with things going on that they say they can't meet with us now. We stop by every now and then, but only time will tell what will happen.

Happy Birthday Dad! So.... I'm sending a card in the mail to you. Sorry, it's going to be late, but it's a good one. It should be there within the next couple of days. Hope it was fabulous and that the job is working out well.

I love you all and miss you. Keep safe, keep cool.
