Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's raining, no pouring!

Hello Family!!!!

Oh goodness, it has been raining so much around here. Yesterday was a
surprise attack. When we left the house it was promising a warm, maybe even
hot sunny day. But as Sis. Lakip and I started tracting, these huge, black,
omninous clouds started rolling in. Well, to be optimistic I thought, "No,
it won't rain." Well, maybe it was more of denial because I hadn't brought
an umbrella. But as we continued walking down the street it started to mist,
then sprinkle, then rain, and then practically a downpour. We were soaking
within a few minutes. Luckily Sis. Lakip had brought her umbrella which she
shared. So her left side was drenched and my right side. And our feet were
squishing in our shoes as we walked through small rivers of water coming
down the sidewalk. It was quite fun, especially because it wasn't cold.

We had a great experience this last week. We have been working with a
less-active family who has started to come to church recently. The Torres
family, but more especially with their daughter Jackie Frioli. She is 15 and
not baptized. My first week here we had a great conversation with her and
after meeting a few time committed her to baptism. Which she accepted, but
was a little bit nervous about it. She went to Youth Conference (in
Kirtland, Ohio) and had a great experience their. She was telling us about
how she cried as she watched the restoration video and during testimony
meeting. The youth did a great job helping her and fellowshipping her. It's
a big change for her and many of her current friends don't believe that she
can do it. So I was so happy to hear that during testimony meeting, one of
the youth in our ward bore his testimony about her difficult it is because
others don't understand what they have with the church and how much of a
blessing it really is. But that they keep being an example because they know
how important it is. She's set to be baptized on June 14th. It will be my
first one (not that that's really important, but it makes me happy).

I've really been working this week on teaching in Spanish, but more
especially teaching quick, powerful lessons. I like to explain things a lot,
but then the lessons become longer than needful. The spirit testifies to
short, powerful testimonies. So, the goal of the mission and my goal is to
do a teaching appointment in 20 minutes total. This is a lot harder than I
thought it would be because that gives 5 minutes to start, prayer, song, etc
and then only 10-15 mintues of teaching. It's doable, but not what I am
used to. My companion is really good at it, so she has been helping me out.

I had my first street meeting the other day. It was actually really fun. We
were handing out free VHS videos to whoever wanted one on the street. Then
teaching them right there on the spot. It was really good for me to do
because it helped me realize that you go and talk to everyone. I was really
excited when I talked to these ladies from Peru. They had relatives in Peru
that were members, so I talked to them about the restoration and how it
blesses our families. Then got their information to teach them more. Sharing
the gospel is great!

I have a cold today. No fun, but luckily it is preparation day. I day to do
a bit more relaxing to rest of for the rest of the week. Hopefully it will
be mostly gone by tomorrow.

Love you lots. Hope all is well. Let me know the current news. Love you.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Connecticut girl!

Hello Family,

Yes, Connecticut is beautiful, even though I had to travel three hours to
get there. Lots of trees and lots and humidity. It's been raining almost
every day since I've been here, except for a few pockets of sunshine. Today
is actually quite beautiful. I sent home my rain jacket because I hadn't
used it that much, but now I'm thinking I might if this keeps up.... I'll
have to let you know :).

It's been a big switch back to spanish. I just don't have the confidence
there. I've been struggling with that confidence my whole mission, but I
think I've noticed it more since I've been made the senior companion and am
making more of the decisions. I'm definitely going to have to learn how to
deal with stress.

But things have been going well. I had a really good lesson with one of our
less-active members, Lidia Morranchel. She has two kids, but doesn't attend
church much because her husband is not a member. She even served a mission,
but she doesn't want to push the gospel onto her husband. We are trying to
build her faith and courage (I found it ironic because I'm still trying to
build mine). So we watched "Finding Faith in Christ" and asked her to bear
her testimony. We then talked about the example Christ set and how her much
her example is helping her children and husband and how her prayers and
faith will make the difference with her husband. She really wants him to be
baptized because she herself has a strong testimony. I felt the spirit so
strongly. It was a confidence booster for me too. We continue to work with
her and her husband.

Well, I love you lots. Don't worry, I drive safe and I have a great
co-driver who looks out for me to. Together, everything will be fine. I'm
getting used to it again. Glad to hear that all is well. Sounds like
everything is so exciting! I forgot that Daniel was graduating. How fun is
that! You get to see Elder Monson! How cool!

You are all so great and are in my prayers. Love you lots. Keep up your good


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Another cycle come and gone

Hello family and friends,

So, once again we anxiously awaited transfer calls Monday night. When that
phone finally rang we heard Elder Jones saying, "Pack your bags, both of you
are leaving." What! Both! They are closing the area to sisters and putting
in Elders. So we've been rushing around Kingston the past few days, trying
to get everything situated for the switch. That makes (not including the
mtc), 4 different companions and 3 areas in 4 cycles. I hope this isn't
going to be a habit for the rest of my mission.

I'm now in Greenwich, CT home to the richest and poorest zipcodes in the
United States. Yes, that would be my new area. And my companion is Sis.
Lakip. She came out a cycle after me and was trained by Sis. Milkanin also.
So, I'm senior companion, which I'm not sure how I feel about that. I would
have been fine being Junior companion my whole mission. I don't think it
really makes much of a difference though. We are really close in "age" and
she has had more spanish experience. We are pretty much equal. The only
difference is that I have to drive the car (yes, not get to, but have to.)

So, I am back in a Spanish ward, but we are still working English also. From
what I hear I mostly find and teach in English and mostly member work in
Spanish. Ay, que voy a hacer? Well, I'm going to learn spanish. My stomach
still does this little flippy thing when I have to speak it, but it's better
since being in Kingston because I had to do all calls and lessons by myself
in Spanish. I just will be speaking more here. Pray for the gift of tongues.

My new address is:

69 Clinton Ave # 2G
Stamford, CT 06901

Ha, I'm in the 0's now. :)

Not much new this week. I told most of it to you on Sunday. It was so good
to call you. Don't worry, I know I was crying when I left, but I was fine
once we started tracting. Still, I do really appreciate all of your support
and love. It helps me make it through those tougher days.

I sent a package home today. I still have a lot of things that I hate
carrying around (I'm such a heavy packer). But slowy I'm getting rid of
things that I don't really use. And things I accumulate from member's and
such. Such as my dirt buddy and woodstock bee. Had to give away the former
and send home the latter.

Love you so much. Hope all is well on the homefront. Let me know of any
changes. I have the best family in the world and I'm serving in the best

Love you lots,


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Some good stories

Hello Family,

So... That is some pretty big news that I heard. Jarom's engaged! How
exciting and Tayler is so sweet. It is indeed crazy how quickly life
changes. And the house is up for sale. Even crazier. Though I do find the
idea of coming home to a new place rather exciting. Even though I will miss
the old one. Lots of memories, yes. Lot's of good memories.

So, I'm sure you want to hear about some of the good stories that have been
going on. Story number #1

Rose. She was a media referral who requested a Book of Mormon. It was
actually a mistake. She thought she had studied it with Mormon's before, but
it turns out that they were Jehovah Witnesses with the Bible. Funny how
people are led. Still we taught about Joseph Smith and the restoration. I
really couldn't tell how she took the idea. She seemed friendly enough, but
not really interested. Though she is very religious.

We had another appointment with her, but she cancelled because of work,
which disappointed us because she was going to give us a call. And to us
that is code for, "I really don't want to talk to you anymore, but I don't
want to tell you that." Yes, I'm finding many forms of rejection, but there
really isn't much I can do about that.

But that just made us all the more excited when she called up and said,
"Hey, can you come over today. I got off work early." So of course, we made
room and visited her. It turns out that her son used to attend Church, but I
don't think he goes much anymore. I've been learning a lot about the Holy
Spirit and the power it brings. Like it said, "If ye have not the spirit, ye
shall not teach." So I was praying (partly because I felt like I wasn't
teaching very clearly), "If nothing else, feel the Spirit, just help her
feel the Spirit." Still, she was liked a closed book. I couldn't really tell
how she felt. Until at the end when we asked will she be baptized when she
knew it was true. Her response, "Probably, it just feels right." Oh how
excited we were. We still have some challenges to pull through since she
works so much. We are waiting to hear from her once her schedule settles
down. If we don't hear within the next couple of days we will give her a

Good story #2: So we had two appointments set up for Sunday. Yet, as we went
to go meet with them. They weren't there. Lame. So we went tracting. The
first door, nothing. The second door, not interested. The third door, not
interested and closed the door behind that had previously been open when we
walked up (Are the trying to prove a point? I don't know) Basically, we had
no success, until the last door. We spoke to her about families and how a
prophet can bless them and she was interested. But she is going on vacation
for the next two weeks, so we have to call her. Still, it wasn't a
I'm-trying-to-avoid-you excuse. I can usually tell those. She was quite
sincere. So we'll be back to visit her.

Good story #3- The NYNYN mission is currently the number one baptizing
mission in the Eastern States and Canada. That's pretty cool. We were behind
Philadelphia for a long time, but not anymore. Still, I know that it isn't a
competition, but we were pretty happy to hear that. Can't let pride get in
the way. Maybe that's why I haven't had a baptism yet. I don't know. Maybe
I'll never know what good I've done till the next life, but I just keep
working and praying for the Lord to guide my success. Sometimes it's hard to
accept his will, but we learn and grow from it.

Just got asked if I had a boyfriend (rolling of eyes). Told him I didn't
because I was on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints. Then taught him about how Mormon's are Christians and what the Book
of Mormon is, concluding it with an invitation to church. Bet he wasn't
expecting that. Oh goodness. Some people.

Loving mission, loving life. Hope you are still all well.

Love, Erin