Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mission Life is Good.

Thank you for your letters. And thank you for the email address for Ms.
Sheehan. I sent out another one to her, I will probably see next week if she
received it or not.

Let's see, this week. At first a very long week, but lately it has been
picking up speed. Sis. Koscinski and I have been having some really neat
experiences. Last week, a man called us who had received a pass along card 2
months ago who wanted to meet. So meet we did. We taught him the first
lesson, but to be honest I'm not sure how he took it. From the comments he
has made he seems so prepared to hear the gospel and I know it can bless his
life so much. We will be following up with him tonight to see if he read and
prayed and we pray that he will recognize the truthfulness. I'm so grateful
for the gospel, I can see now how much our family really was blessed by it.
Thanks Mom and Dad.

It was a bit awkward yesterday because we met with 2 investigators at Barnes
and Noble. One in the morning and another in the afternoon. Both of them
bought us hot chocolate, and it was the same employee at the counter (Sis.
Koscinski and I tried to hide a little and hoped he wouldn't say anything).
I wanted to give him, the employee, a pass-along card to help explain what
we do (2 different men buying us hot chocolate on the same day, others could
take to that strangely), but by the time we finished talking with Eric, the
employee's shift was over and he was gone. I plan on it next time.

I've also taught some lessons in Spanish. They went pretty well. The first
one was with Ivan from El Salvador. He has been taught by the missionaries
for some time. Last time we met I committed him to baptism, but he seemed
hesitant. When we met yesterday, I asked him if he believed the Book of
Mormon to be true and Joseph Smith to be a prophet. He replied that he
didn't know and didn't feel anything different about them. So we spent the
time reading from 3 Nephi 11 and teaching about how to recognize the Spirit.
It was a good lesson, but I'm not sure he still really understands the
importance of it.

Which reminds me of how great the mission and the Holy Spirit is. I'd
encourage everyone to live so that they can always have the Holy Ghost with
it. It brings happiness, peace, and assurance in your life. Granted life
still isn't perfect, but it is so much easier when we live with of the Holy
Ghost and it's promptings in our lives. My new motto, "live better and feel
the difference."

We are also teaching the Perez family. They seem less interested. We taught
them a lesson last week and this week I was supposed to teach about the Plan
of Salvation, but the words would just not come. It was probably the hardest
lesson I've ever taught. It ended up turning out amazing, though, because a
member came with us and she told him her conversion story and bore her
testimony of Joseph Smith. It was amazing! I think they just weren't quite
ready for the Plan of Salvation quite yet.

New York is quite the place. Did you know Kingston was the first capitol of
the United States. They eventually switched it to Washington D.C. (I suppose
they had their reasons ;)). Now it's just a small town, but the people are
nice. We have great neighbors. Lloyd (downstairs apartment) and Gene (two
doors down), who watch out for us. Weather has been snow, warm, cold, rain.
I keep waiting for spring. I hear it's pretty.

Love You Much. My time on the computer is just about over. So I bid Adios,
until next week. I continue to pray for the Touchet family and hope all is

Love, Erin

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